Information, Space, body, thought, movement, communication, imagination, belief, visualisation, time, knowledge, art, flow, virtuality, embodiment, presence, material, spirit or soul, design, experience, relationship, self
1. Chose two or more terms from the above
2. Consider for yourself how they may be related
3. Define questions and research-goals
4. Research
5. Summarise your findings
6. Visualise your conclusions
Deadline for presentation: Tomorrow morning
3 kommentarer:
Nadia´s Comments:
My assumption that it is important to establish what we mean by the different terms in order to know what we are discussing/ exploring.
I have decided that this is best done by relating them to other terms, visualising the relationships not using words, and later explaining or describing the visualisations to all the participants in the course.
The students were given a list of terms, of which they were asked to select four on which to work. Things went slowly at first, and it took my ”doing” the exercise with them for the terms ”information” and ”belief” or ”faith” (one and the same in Swedish). While the students commented that the task was quite abstract, they agreed on the necessity of establishing these relationships for future work. It seemed they appreciated the opportunity to reflect on what these terms meant to them.
The idea being that they will continue to explore the relationships between the words they picked throughout the course so as to have a conceptual framwork within which they can work regardless of medium or design challenge.
We need a long-lived way of keeping he established relationships and thier contents , visualisations, and explanations visible as they change or develop over the duration of the course. The solution needs to be analog and digitallly archivable.
Also, we need to establish which ( or mix and match of various) design methods or processes are suitable for this work. First trial: Ideo Methodology;
Observation and Enquiry ( behavioral Archaeology)
Story telling (Story Collection)
Synthesis ( Analogous Situations)
8 /10 Måndag, dag 1
Koppla samman begreppen
Information tolkas genom tidigare erfarenheter och förväntningar. Tidigare erfarenhet styr hur vi kan uppfatta information.
En liten förskjutning i information kommunicerar något helt annat
Ex ”bergsbestigarjacka”- jacka som kommunicerar utseende av funktioner och förutom funktionen - självständighet, styrka, sportighet, äventyr
Förflyttning av rum / verklighet, känslan av. Skapa platser att vara i, drömmar.
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